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The Titans Basketball Program and its sponsor Supporting Student Athletes, Inc. take the health and safety of its participants very seriously.  Below you will find information pertaining to our concussion awareness program as well as our protocol for handling and reporting potential concussions.


Brain Injury Basics

Parent-Specific Information

For Coaches



The Titans Basketball Program and its sponsor Supporting Student Athletes, Inc. subscribe to the HEADS UP action plan for recognizing, responding to, and minimizing the risk of concussion or other serious brain injury:

When in doubt, sit out!

  • An athlete will be removed from play immediately if he/she is suspected of having a concussion.

Seek Medical Attention

  • An athlete with a possible concussion will be kept out of play for at least 24 hours and be directed to see a health care provider.
  • Coaches may strive to assist by recording the following information that can help a health care provider in assessing the athlete:
    • Cause of the injury and force of the hit or blow to the head or body
    • Any loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out) and if so, for how long
    • Any memory loss right after the injury
    • Any seizures right after the injury
    • Number of previous concussions (if any)

 Inform the Parents

  • Coaches will notify the athlete’s parents about the possible concussion.


  • Athletes removed from play for a suspected concussion will not be permitted to return until they are symptom free and cleared by a health care provider.
  • If an athlete’s symptoms come back or if he/she gets new symptoms, the athlete will be removed from activities and the athlete’s medical provider should be contacted.